Heart Mind
YOU CAN become more self reliant!
The Heart Mind Alliance is a network of concerned citizens, scientists, community development specialists, in several countries working together to create a regenerative future for our children. We are here to share with you proven, low-cost and no-cost, do-it-yourself technologies from around the world that are helping to create a healthier world with greater energy indepencence and self- reliance.
Visit www.sol-utions.info to learn more about ideas for a better world.
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
Thomas Jefferson, 1814
people how to inexpensively heat and cool their homes with solar energy.
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About Us
The Heart Mind Alliance is a network of concerned citizens, scienists, community development specialists, in several countries working together to create a regenerative future for our childeren.
Appropriate Tech
Click here to obtain FREE information and references to help you become more self reliant!
A Cry for a Healthier World
The Heart Mind Alliance is working to create a regenerative future for Malaya and all of our children. We are responding to their call, that we be better stewards of the Earth which they will inherit!
CLICK HERE to endorse the Elemental Declaration of Interdependence.
Strengthen your Self Reliance IQ visit www.Sol-utions.info
Dear Friend of a Regenerative Future,
The direct vote web page “We the People” has now been launched. We are celebrating this planetary first, thanks to the new technology of block-chain security to guarantee every vote is counted and counted correctly, verified with the personal ledgers each voter will acquire. Please visit our direct vote site and vote on the First Question: Do you wish the USA would become a Constitutional Democracy in which you become your own representative and our public servants become the administrators of the public will? With a majority vote we will declare (not ask permission) our nation a direct vote democracy in which we, the People, will mandate the governance needed to ensure a regenerative future for our children, their children and for the planet unto the Seventh Generation.
Please pass this good news on to others. Government of the People, by the People and for the People is our way out of hell. Guaranteed. Here is our first public announcement:
The Heart Mind Alliance (.com) non-profit has raised $25,000 for the development of the direct vote web page https://wethepeople.directvotedemocracy.com which is now functional. The web page is based on the Australian FLUX party's app for direct vote. One's vote will be secured by block-chain technology. Every voter will have a personal ledger so that votes can be verified not only to have been counted, but counted correctly. To learn more about the web page's development, and/or to support our work to transition the US to a Constitutional Democracy with direct vote, visit our Go Fund Me campaign “Direct Vote App Development” where we continually update information on the progress of the web page development and will soon upload an instructional “walk through” video. Anyone interested in becoming her or his own governing representative will be able to see at our web page how to register as a voter, how to obtain information on issues, mandates and proposals for vote at local, state or national levels, how to vote, and how to verify their vote on the block-chain platform securing all votes. We hope to have cell phone apps available for download to iOS and Android phones in the future. We are actively seeking technical support to improve our website and our Go Fund me site, develop podcasts, seek political endorsement and eventual funding for our voting system from the US Treasury. Billions of dollars will be saved for a much more secure voting system aimed at mandating solutions as contrasted with voting for politicians claiming to speak on our behalf.
The majority of US citizens are certain that democratic (simple majority) rule is our only way out of the abominable system of "governance" imposed by the ruling elite. We believe it to be the best way to change the national and global trajectory towards catastrophic extinction.
I was at Kent State on that day of infamy in 1969 when the Ohio National Guard killed four students who were raising their voices in protest of the Vietnam war. I realized our military-industrial government does not want to hear my voice nor yours. Our government, in the most part, places corporate profit before the needs of its Peoples. We believe the majority of the country will mandate that our public servants, soon to be our administrators and not our “representatives,” place People before profit and make every decision based on the criteria of benefiting the Seventh Generation and doing no harm.
The First Question we of the Heart Mind Alliance are proposing for national vote will be asking if you want to be your own representative with our public servants, having sworn allegiance to the public will, responding to mandates from the majority with legislative proposals for national vote. Those unwilling to serve the public simple majority may step aside or be voted out of office.
There is more that the first vote places before the People for national vote due to our belief there are essential mandates for a true democracy to function successfully: The declaration by the People of the United States of America that the planet is in crisis and that all of our human and natural resources be directed at reversing climate instability and creating a regenerative future unto the Seventh Generation. With simple majority vote we will adopt as our nation's Guiding Governing Principle that all decisions be in light of what will benefit our children and their children unto the Seventh Generation. We will vote to end person hood for corporations, to have the Federal Reserve System transfer its role to the non-profit US Treasury in control of the People. Income tax (unconstitutional for our founders) should be abolished and the taxation of profits generated from the labor of our nation's workers should be increased to adequately guarantee the right of every individual to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Perpetual war should be ended as we need to heal, to rethink, to restore our country. The global world is demanding the closing of over 750 US military bases and the transferring of our peacekeeping efforts to international peace-keeping organizations. We will demand proposals and legislation responding to the issues presented for consideration by the People, including those outlined in the Great Mandate, now a MoveOn.org campaign. The Great Mandate for national vote can be read in its entirety by requesting it at heartmindalliance@gmail.com. At that site we have the link for the Move On campaign. One can see who has signed the Great Mandate and also read the comments in support of the transition to a true democracy, now, thanks to block-chain encryption, possible for all. We believe we will inaugurate an historic planetary first. This is what we now celebrate.
To guarantee your voice is heard and counted visit: https://wethepeople.directvotedemocracy.com/ Register to vote, become informed regarding mandate issues and legislative proposals for vote and get information regarding voting dates and times. So if you go to the direct vote web page you will be asked to login. Input your phone number. It will then ask you if you are a robot. Once checked, you will be sent a code to your cell phone number.
Once that is entered, you will find yourself on the first page where (and we need to put this instruction here) you should double click on the colorful facets of democracy image to be able to read brief descriptions of the First Question for national vote.
There you will also find an in-depth description of what the First Question implies if it is approved by a majority of voters registering with the “We the People” voting system.
You will be able to cast a vote and then be able, if interested, to verify the transaction on the block-chain platform securing your vote. You will be able to verify your vote was counted and counted correctly.
Also you can see what votes have been cast so far, and the yes and no tallies.
To sign “The Great Mandate” (33 issues for national consideration which we will vote on) and read the comments of the signers go to: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/the-great-mandate
For more information, questions, comments, etc write us at heartmindalliance@gmail.com
Looking forward,
Bob Dunsmore
Founder and president of the Heart Mind Alliance (.com) which has launched the block-chain secured direct voting website now receiving votes on the First Question for the nation: https://wethepeople.directvotedemocracy.com
Compiler of the 33 issues for a democratic future “The Great Mandate”, now a Move On campaign ( Read it at www.sol-utions.info)
Producer of the documentary "Bolivia Beyond Belief" (on You Tube) regarding the Bolivian Democratic Revolution I witnessed while living in Bolivia from 2005 to 2008 (In Spanish: “Bolivia Mas Alla de la Fe”
Initiated as an Andean Cosmovision Amauta (Elder Teacher)
After working in 20 countries in community development I have created a You Tube channel with 130-plus videos of the most successful appropriate technologies I learned of: "Community-based Appropriate Technologies"
Co-director of the San Luis Valley Energy Center (National Energy Extension Service in the 1980's)
Founder of Colorado's San Luis Valley Solar Energy Association and Alamosa Children's' School (1980's)
Founder of the Rio Arriba Bio-regional Council and the Espanola Valley Community Council, New Mexico
Author of I Am: A Journey Through Times and Spaces and the book The Great Mandate (available via Kindle)
Grandfather of three
Check out our updates and help us with the ongoing website development costs, hosting and publishing costs for this website, etc. Visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/direct-vote-app-development
The Great Mandate
El Gran Mandato
Dear Friends of a Regenerative Future,
Queridos Amigos de un Futuro Regenerativo,
Below is a mandate for our nation’s economic and political leaders, a document collectively developed by many over several decades. Our international alliance of concerned citizens hopes you will pass it forward and endorse it until it becomes part of the consciousness of the Great Turning and becomes a true reflection of the cry of all humanity.
Abajo se encuentra un mandato supremo dirigido a nuestros líderes económicos y políticos, un documento compilado en forma colectiva durante varias decadas. Nuestra alianza de amigos internacionales espera que sea firmada y adelantada hasta que llega a ser parte de la conciencia del Gran Viraje y llegue a ser un reflejo verdadero del grito de toda la humanidad.
Important Notice: We have not been able to edit the Move On webpage http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-great-mandate
since its original publication and for this reason there are errors we have here corrected. Upon signing the Mandate, as of July 20, 2015, you are signing the document below exactly as it appears at this webpage.
Importante Nota: No hemos podido editar la página web de Move On http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-great-mandate
desde la publicación original y por eso hay errores que aquí han sido corregidos. Al firmar el Mandato, desde el dia 20 de julio de 2015, esta firmando el documento abajo exactamente como aparece en esta página web.
Write us at heartmindalliancet@gmail.com if you wish to add something or have a constructive comment. All feedback will be recorded to inform constitutional assemblies, regional councils and, hopefully, a Council for National Integrity to create what we hope will become a consensus of what we, the People, mandate of our economic and governing institutions. As of July 20, 2015, the Mandate below will not be modified so that signatures endorsing the Great Mandate will be endorsing exactly the following document. We invite signatures from the entire world community to legitimize the demands described below.
Escríbanos en la dirección hearmindalliancet@gmail.com si quisiera agregar algo o quiere compartir algun comentario positivo. Todos comentarios serán
documentados para informar consejos regionales, asambleas constituyentes y, ojalá un Consejo para la Integridad Nacional. Queremos que este documento contribuye a la creación de lo que esperamos sea un concenso de lo que nosotros, el Pueblo, mandamos de nuestras instituciónes económicas y gubernamentales. Invitamos firmas de todos los pueblos del mundo para legitimizar las demandas descritas abajo.
If you like the spirit of the document which reflects opinions expressed from Kansas to India, sign it, please, at: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-great-mandate
Si le gusta el espiritu del documento que refleja opiniones espresado desde el estado de Kansas hasta la India, fírmelo, por favor, aqui:
We shall seek consensus on wording and mandate details at local and regional council levels and at what we hope to convoke, a Refounding National Convention to place people before profit and restore human dignity to this great union.
Buscaremos concenso sobre la terminología y detalles del mandato en consejos locales y regionales y en lo que espermos realizar, una Asamblea de Refundación Nacional, para colocar el pueblo primero (antes del capital) y restorar la dignidad de esta gran union.
Looking forward,
Mirando adelante,
Bob Dunsmore
Compiler of the Great Mandate
Compilador del Gran Mandato
This current version of the Great Mandate was updated and published on July 20, 2015 in the name of my brilliant son Aaron Eli Dunsmore and all of our children and their children until the Seventh Generation so that they may forever enjoy a regenerative planet.
Esta versión del Gran Mandato fue puesto al dia y publicado el 20 de julio, 2015, en nombre de mi hijo brillante Aaron Eli Dunsmore y todos nuestros hijos y sus hijos hasta la Sétima Generación para que gozen para siempre un planeta regenerativo.
The Great Mandate
El Gran Mandato
Let us, the People of the United States of America, mandate with our endorsement of this collective declaration, the following essential demands be acted upon before national collapse escalates into an uncontrollable cascade. We welcome endorsement from the world community as the United States of America is largely responsible for the planetary crisis affecting all life.
Declaration of Interdependence
1.We call for the declaration of a planetary state of crisis requiring rapid response to reverse climate change; governmental and corporate support to transition to renewable energy usage and organic agriculture; the prohibition of toxic wastes of any nature, including nuclear; with corresponding governmental support for the transitional technologies to be implemented. We demand the urgent exploration of the feasibility of a global commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gases in conjunction with a public-private effort to reverse climate change within a decade.
(Our Common Future Under Climate Change International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France Outcome Statement:
2. We call for the end of personhood for corporations. Corporations will not be allowed in any way to influence our political governing bodies. Corporate governance is not democratic.
3.Let us strengthen our democratic legacy by passing an amendment eliminating the Electoral College and modernizing the electoral process, guaranteeing the verification of individual voting choices. Congress must adopt and enforce restrictions on influence peddling at all political levels. The nation will be re-founded as a constitutional democracy, in place of the current corporation.
We, the People, will establish a national system to register individual opinion instantaneously in the Congress of the United States through existing safeguarded technologies which will decipher local, regional and statewide opinion instantaneously and be able to display not only national voting, but be able to (in real time) feedback to each region the decisions made by respective Congresspersons. We call for the establishment of direct digital instantaneous nationwide information and voting input to the the Congress of the USA. We demand instantaneous analysis of regional voting, congressional voting, referendums, etc. This Direct Digital Democracy will insure our Congress becomes accountable to the people of the United States of America.
4. We call for the convening of a Re-founding Constitutional Assembly to reaffirm the great truths inherent in our present Constitution and to modify and strengthen its magnificence to assure the Great Mandate of our people. Delegates (half female and half male) will be chosen freely from our nation's trusted patriots through local and regional councils. We shall incorporate the principle of the Seventh Generation as the supreme criteria for all economic and political decisions. Any decision contrary to this principle will be subject to constitutional challenge by any citizen of the nation.
5. We will elect a Council for National Integrity to guide the Great Transition and insure accountability of our economic and political leadership to the People of the United States of America.
6. Our government, of the People, will begin the transition to assume direct management of its financial system. A review of the constitutionality of the private "Federal" Reserve System will be initiated. We shall recall that John F. Kennedy insisted this was the most important task before any citizen of our great nation.
World Peace
7. Let us stand and be counted as supporting the elimination of our weapons of mass destruction, encouraging a negotiated simultaneous and equitable reduction globally. Violating international law, the United States has sold uranium-tipped weapons and deadly gas weapons to at least sixteen nations including Iraq. (Documentary “Beyond Treason” and http://worldbeyondwar.org/ )
8. We want our armed forces back on national soil. We mandate our military focus on building up our country’s regenerative capacity and working to save our planet from further destruction. We demand the closure of the eight hundred to one thousand military bases the United States of America maintains at taxpayer expense in over a hundred and fifty nations. ( www.globalresearch.ca/the-worldwide-network-of-us-military-bases/5564 )
9. We want the building of wonderful monuments to our Peacemakers, those alive today and those who gave up their lives to this end. ( https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/time-out/201205/where-are-the-monuments-peace )
10. We demand the immediate and permanent closure of the School "of the Assassins" of the Americas, in Columbus, GA, no matter what name it hides behind. There shall be issued a clear declaration of support of the popular peaceful struggles internationally for justice, jubilee and equitable distribution of resources.
11. We demand the United States of America prioritize the inauguration of a cooperative worldwide effort to redistribute wealth (including land) for the benefit of the most marginalized of the planet. We demand direct stakeholder (community) control of corporations, in conjunction with shareholders; worker ownership and management participation in corporations; the removal of personhood status, placing them in positions of privilege under humans.
( http://thinkprogress.org/home/2014/05/09/3436223/pope-the-bible-calls-for-the-redistribution-of-wealth/ )
12. US AID will be transformed into US Solidarity.
( http://archive.thedailystar.net/forum/2012/November/charity.htm )
13. A new Cabinet position will be created; that of the Secretary for Reconciliation with the Original Peoples. As a nation, we shall, to the best of our ability recognize our government and covert agencies’ crimes against humanity. We shall do everything possible to redress these crimes. We shall listen to the Truth, the People’s history, in our nation and abroad to be able to reflect critically and act upon it. We shall charge US Solidarity with this task for as long as necessary to bring about this reconciliation.
( http://bismarcktribune.com/news/columnists/clay-jenkinson/truth-and-reconciliation-commissions-in-america/article_0c1b8b12-3f83-11e0-97fc-001cc4c03286.html )
Human Rights
14. We call for a national dialogue to mitigate the problem of concealable weapons. The right to bear arms will not be violated. Land mines and all weapons of mass destruction (such as uranium-tipped weapons) will be decommissioned. We demand that international policing and peacekeeping efforts be delegated to the United Nations. We demand the end of permanent war. ( http://fpif.org/perpetual-war-global-war-terror-ever-end/ )
15. A Department of Renewable Energy will replace the unsustainable Department of Energy. An effort equivalent to the effort of war will focus on energy and resource conservation, especially in the hugely wasteful United States of America to lead the World into a time of greater leisure and healthier living with a total reduction in fossil fuel energy consumption. The Council for National Integrity will set the target amounts and dates. ( http://www.rmi.org/reinventingfire )
16. We wish that our government declare the understanding that all great spiritual traditions of the world are seeking enlightenment, peace and justice. We shall celebrate the different paths upon which we walk, seek to learn the ways of truth from one another, turn away from the ways of destruction and greed and inaugurate a time of peace and wholeness upon this tormented Earth. We demand our government begin immediate, sincere dialogue with all organizations hoping for a just and moral World. We will seek support for the Great Mandate internationally as a vehicle for the creation of a nation placing people before profit, human dignity before corporate interests and dialogue before war. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_pluralism )
17. We call for direct governmental support for local and regional economies, including traditional economies of barter, and the recognition of common wealth, non-negotiable commercially. The basic rights to land, health care, clean water, whole foods, shelter and social security will be guaranteed every person upon our land. Water shall no longer be allowed to be bought or sold. The right of direct access to clean drinking water will be recognized and guaranteed by our government.
( http://www.youthforhumanrights.org/what-are-human-rights/videos/food-and-shelter-for-all.html )
18. With this Mandate, it is our hope that all nations, having profited from the labor of the world's masses shall be encouraged to follow suit and guarantee the psychological, physical and spiritual health of the World's peoples before any further profit and concentration of capital occur.
( http://www.reformation.org/moneychangers.html )
19. We mandate the decriminalizing of all synthetic and natural drugs with governmental regulation and control over processing and distribution, with corresponding educational campaigns on the benefits and/or dangers of their consumption.
( http://mic.com/articles/110344/14-years-after-portugal-decriminalized-all-drugs-here-s-what-s-happening )
Creating a Regenerative Future
20. We demand the rights of the Earth shall be established constitutionally in recognition of its living and conscious being. ( http://www.rightsofmotherearth.com/ )
21. We demand the immediate prohibition of the patenting of life forms (with or without modification) and prohibiting the right to intellectual property over naturally occurring (with or without modification) substances and life forms.
( http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/can-we-patent-life )
22. We demand government support to develop and commercialize natural medicines in the regions and countries of origin. Medicinal herbs, traditional therapies and treatments such as reflexology, as examples, shall qualify as coverable care under the nation’s new national universal health care system. Access to natural medicines and therapies will be guaranteed.
23. We demand the banning of transgenic modification and cloning. We encourage government support for same species genetic research for the prevention of defects and disease.
24 We demand government support for mining industries' transition from using toxic chemicals to the use of harmless extraction technologies including biological agents, which, if patented, must be released to the public domain. We call for complete retooling to recycling metals and minerals already extracted from the Earth, whenever possible.
25. We demand that foreign aid be based on an elimination of subsidies for overproduction of chemically produced and processed "food," supporting developing efforts to produce whole foods in nations around the World. Donated solar-powered irrigation systems will provide a huge incentive to the photovoltaic industry and support regional food production, ending the crippling cycles of dependency. The most essential of all fuels, cooking fuel, will be subsidized and fossil fuels will be taxed to real extraction, production and distribution costs. Until the billions of humans cooking with wood from forests have access to subsidized fuel logs manufactured from agricultural waste (www.sol-utions.info), available agricultural land and farming capability, US Solidarity will replace processed genetically modified relief “foodstuffs” with high-protein peanut products and pre-cooked and dehydrated beans requiring simple rehydration for high-protein nourishment.
26. We demand that multinational agribusiness concerns will be transitioned to farmer-controlled businesses more respectful of limits to water availability. Corporate landholdings will be equitably redistributed and unsustainable agricultural corporations will be mandated to support the restoration of the family farm and labor-intensive regenerative organic agriculture. Water aquifers will be exploited in sustainable fashion. Wherever in the world regenerative agriculture has been destroyed, the responsible corporations must restore the soil and crops to regenerative sustainability. All wishing to participate in local and regional agricultural production will be aided by the same corporations in doing so. The United States shall welcome all who have been disenfranchised by our imposed neo-liberal economic order and non-regenerative agriculture.
27. We demand the inauguration of international efforts to cleanse all contaminated water. All sources of contamination will be eliminated. All toxic substances (including nuclear waste) will eventually be phased out within the United States of America as per timetables established by the Council for National Integrity. US corporations abroad will be mandated to follow all new national environmental regulations established by the demands of the Great Mandate. (One example in El Salvador, Central America, is the Acelhuate river, contaminated by US corporations: www.sam.usace.army.mil/.../El%...)
28. We demand that, as a community of nations, we must reverse the decline of natural species, modifying our exploitation of land, forests, rivers and oceans to preserve our natural world from further destruction and, as a high international priority, restore our natural world, where possible to its original life-sustaining glory. We will establish these resources, intact and/or restored, as the basis of our financial systems. Preserved and restored natural resources and environmental integrity will become the standards for the foundation of the fiscal strength of nations, the value of which will be established by a freely elected international Council of Common Wealth.
29. We demand that a revamped Department of Health Education and Welfare will oversee the public financing of all health care for all persons living within the United States of America. Every person’s choice of care will be honored. The Department will be mandated to direct our nation's schools to truly educate, "draw from," our children their innate wisdom and knowledge through direct participation in the Great Transition. The global effort to insure a regenerative future for the planet will be the primary focus of all educational endeavor.
National Integrity
30. With our endorsement of this Mandate, we demand a balanced federal budget.
31. We also demand that corporations pay taxes commensurate with profit levels.
32. We demand the elimination of the "voluntary" and unconstitutional income tax.
33. We demand the reform of the legal system to efficiently and effectively arrest corruption, to stop the legal support for the destruction of our life-support systems, corporate abuse, political privileges, immunity and exemptions. The permanent citizen-elected Council for National Integrity will guide the Great Transition as mandated by the People of the United States of America.
To add to this living document, or to comment constructively (any negative criticism must be followed by positive solutions, write the Great Mandate compiler Bob Dunsmore at